Black Equity Fund: The Black Equity Fund is a source of financial assistance for projects, research, events, and policies that aim to end anti-black racism and promote diversity and inclusivity in the McGill community. These initiatives may foster leadership, encourage civic engagement, or make observable differences in the representation or experiences of individuals who identify as Black as well as groups working towards ending anti-black racism. Applicants may apply for up to 1,500$ per application
Supports for Black student initiatives: The University’s Plan to Address Anti-Black Racism supports Black student initiatives. Whether it be for participation to a conference, extra-curricular activity or to launch a new student initiative you can make a request for financial support of up to 500$.
Community Solidarity Fund: The Community Solidarity Fund was created as a more accessible way for groups in so-called Montreal and beyond to access funding for grassroots, social-justice oriented initiatives. Please refer to this website for more information on applying to the fund.